• Profile Image for 1788-  Lord George Gordon Byron
  • Author

    Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
    Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to the Dead Sea; Death on the Pale Horse; The Battle of Waterloo (1818)
    Uvres Compl Tes de Lord Byron, Traduites de L'Anglais Par MM. A.-P. Et E.-D. S. [I.E. Am D E Pichot and Eus Be de Salle]; Troisi Me Dition, Enti Rement Revue Et Corrig E. (Essai Sur Le G Nie Et Le Caract Re de Lord Byron, Par A. P
    The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Edited, with a Critical Memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. Illustrated by Ford Madox Brown.
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