Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)Anglicised edition with daily readings and prayers from the Church of England's Common Worship
Pvbli Ovidi Nasonis, Poemata Qvaedam Excerpta: Selections from the Poems of Ovid, Chiefly the Metamorphoses. [1879]
Elizabethan Humours and the Comedy of Ben Jonson: Being the Book of the Play of Every Man in His Humour, 1598, as Produced by the English Club of Stanford University, 1905 (1905 )
A guide to the fossil reptiles, amphibians, and fishes in the Department of geology and palæontology in the British museum (Natural history)
A guide to the elephants (recent and fossil) exhibited in the Department of geology and palæontology in the British museum (Natural history)
Report of the Forty-Fifth Annual Congress of the British Archaeological Association Held At Glasgow 27th August to 4th September, 1888
A Complete Hand-book Of Standard Rules Of All The Prominent Games Of Billiards And Pool As Practiced By Great Professionals And Other Leading Players In All Parts Of The World
The pacific ocean in history; papers and addresses presented at the Panama-Pacific historical congress, held at San Francisco, Berkeley and Palo Alto, California, July 19-23, 1915;
The Profession of a Chartered Accountant and Other Lectures: Delivered to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Institute of Secretaries, &c., &c
Subject Index to the Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers [Published 1895] ...
Entretiens Sur La Pluralité Des Mondes: Précédés De L'astronomie Des Dames / Par J. De Lalande (French Edition)
Proposed Presidential Commission on National Service Act of 1980: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Education of the Committee on Education ... held in Washington, D.C., on June 4, 1980
Report of the Special Tax Commission (Appointed May, 1911) to the Governor of Iowa. 1912 ... (1912 )
The love of God and of Jesus for souls and the blessedness of intercession for them : addresses during a retreat of the Companions of the Love of ... intercession for the conversion of sinners
Recommended minimum requirements for small dwelling construction. Report of Building Code Committee, July 20, 1922, Bureau of Standards
Proceedings of a National Convention of Railroad Commissioners, Held at the Office of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Washington, D. C., April 13,14, 1892
What We Hear in Music: A Laboratory Course of Study in Music History and Appreciation, for Four Years of High School, Academy, College, Music Club Or Home Study ...
The Practical Applications of Electricity: A Series of Lectures Delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1882-83
Getting straight : overcoming treatment barriers for addicted women and their children: Hearing before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and ... hearing held in Detroit, MI, April 23, 1990
Modus tenendi c?r bar?n cum visu franci plegii: a reprint of the first edition A.D. 1510 : together with translations and an introductory note
An introduction to the study of meteorites : with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection
Live Laugh Love: There Are No Secrets (Thanks to Leigh Bardugo, Jojo Moyes, Stephen Chbosky, Frank Herbert, Malcolm Gladwell,Rachel Maddow, Gregg Jarrett,Susan Rice,)
Minchiate Etruria Tarot Deck: Firenze 1806 - 1807, 97 full colour tarot cards and instruction booklet
Spy Pocket Puzzle Book: 100s of Perplexing Puzzles for Starters, Astute Codebreakers and Britain's Best Minds (the Puzzle Series)
Marugoto: Japanese language and culture. Starter A1 Rikai: Coursebook for communicative language competences
Basing the MX missile: an analysis of issues related to potential withdrawal of public lands for multiple protective structure (MPS) basin g of the MX ... with a recommended alternative : a report
Introduction To Philosophy: An Inquiry After A Rational System Of Scientific Principles In Their Relation To Ultimate Reality
John Splendid: The Tale Of A Poor Gentleman, And The Little Wars Of Lorn: Collector's Edition - Neil Munro
Birmingham 11+ Grammar School Entry Test: English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal ReasoningIn-depth Revision & Sample Practice Questions f...
Free League Publishing Dragonbane: Path of Glory Roleplaying Adventure Expansion, Tabletop Roleplaying for Adults, Family, Teens 12+
Rig-Veda Sanhita: A Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns Constituting the 1. to the 8. Ashtaka, Or Book of the Rig-Veda, Volume 6
The Farce of Master Pierre Patelin: Composed by an Unknown Author About 1469 a.D. Englished by Richard Holbrook ; Illustrated With Facsimiles of the ... of Pierre Levet, Paris, Ca.1489 (1905)
A Buggy Wagon: A collection of short stories by a five year old as understood by his parents who helped to record them with love and exhilaration.
Annual Report of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, Relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages and Deaths