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    Guilty Men
    Metaphysical grounds of the science of nature, by Karl Friedrich Fröbel. With a foreword by Sir J. Arthur Thomson ... 1924 [Leather Bound]
    Christmas stories / By Charles Dickens. 1873 [Leather Bound]
    My experiences in Manipur and the Naga hills, by the late Major-General Sir James Johnstone, K. C. S. I. With an introductory memoir. 1896 [Leather Bound]
    Worcester public library and Hastings museum. A retrospect by C.M. Downes ... (honorary secretary to the Library and museum committee) ... 1881 [Leather Bound]
    The Great Mogul, by Louis Tracy ... illustrations by J. C. Chase. 1905 [Leather Bound]
    Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf; aus den Handschriften der Koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Hannover herausgegeben von C.I. Gerhardt ... 1860 [Leather Bound]
    The thoughts of Blaise Pascal, tr. from the text of M. Auguste Molinier by C. Kegan Paul ... 1905 [Leather Bound]
    Indian heroes and great chieftains, by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa); illustrated from photographs. 1918 [Leather Bound]
    The study and criticism of Italian art. Third series by Bernhard Berenson. Volume copy 2 1916 [Leather Bound]
    Venetian painting, chiefly before Titian, at the exhibition of Venetian Art, The New Gallery, 1895 / Bernhard Berenson. 1895 [Leather Bound]
    A journal of occurences at the Temple, during the confinement of Louis XVI, king of France ... By M. Cléry ... Tr. from the original manuscript, by R. C. Dallas ... 1798 [Leather Bound]
    China and the allies, by A. Henry Savage Landor ... with illustrations and maps by the author ... Volume v.2 1901 [Leather Bound]
    The dawn of modern geography : A history of exploration and geographical science... v.3. / By C. Raymond Beazley... with reproductions of the principal maps of the time. Volume v.3 190 [Leather Bound]
    Our blinded soldiers; instructions for directors of schools, by Eugène Brieux ... Tr. by Gladys Gladding Whiteside. 1918 [Leather Bound]
    L'école des belles-meres : comédie en un acte / Brieux. 1905 [Leather Bound]
    Three plays by Brieux : member of the French Academy / by Eugene Brieux ; with preface by Bernard Shaw, English versions by Mrs. Bernard Shaw, St. John Hankin and John Pollack. 1913 [Leather Bound]
    Stevenson's workshop, edited by William P. Trent. 1921 [Leather Bound]
    Les remplaçantes; Roman inédit, par Brieux, et Marcel Luguet. 1902 [Leather Bound]
    Les trois filles de M. Dupont : comédie en quatre actes / Brieux. 1904 [Leather Bound]
    Die Stadt Grimma im Königreiche Sachsen : historisch beschrieben / von Christian Gottlob Lorenz. Volume Abt.1-2 1856 [Leather Bound]
    The works of Honoré de Balzac with introd. by William P. Trent. Volume 21-22 1900 [Leather Bound]
    Roman sonnets, written and illustrated by William Leighton. 1908 [Leather Bound]
    Die Stadt Grimma im Königreiche Sachsen : historisch beschrieben / von Christian Gottlob Lorenz. Volume Abt.3 1856 [Leather Bound]
    L'éclair : opéra comique en trois actes / paroles de MM. de Planard et de St-Georges ; musique de F. Halévy ; partition piano et chant. 1875 [Leather Bound]
    La Juive : opéra en cinq actes / de Scribe. Musique de F. Halévy. Divertissement de M. Taglioni. 1885 [Leather Bound]
    La Juive; opéra en cinq actes de E. Scribe. Paroles et musique sans accompanement. 1839 [Leather Bound]
    La Juive : opéra en cinq actes / paroles de Scribe ; musique de F. Halévy ; partition piano et chant réduite par Garaudé. 1899 [Leather Bound]
    Yue fu gu ti yao jie / Wu Jing.,樂府古題要解 / 吳兢. 1922 [Leather Bound]
    L'éclair : opéra comique en trois actes : partition, piano et chant / paroles de MM. de Planard et de St-Georges ; musique de F. Halévy. 1885 [Leather Bound]
    Der Vatikan; die Päpste und die Civilisation; die Oberste Leitung der Kirche, von dem Kardinal Bourret und einem Nachwort von E. Melchior de Vog{u00A8}é. Aus dem Französischen über [Leather Bound]
    Shi xue / Huang Jie zhu.,詩學 / 黃節著. 1925 [Leather Bound]
    Vite dei pittori, scultori ed architetti napoletani di Bernardo de Dominici. Volume t.1 1846 [Leather Bound]
    Four modern naval campaigns : historical, strategical and tactical William Laird Clowes. 1902 [Leather Bound]
    Philosophical reflections on the late revolution in France, and the conduct of the Dissenters in England, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Priestley. By J. Courtenay ... 1790 [Leather Bound]
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews "at home" in a new and original entertainment written by H.J. Byron, esq. 1861 [Leather Bound]
    A memoir of Roger Ascham by Samuel Johnson ; with an introduction by James H. Carlisle ; Memoir of Thomas Arnold of Rugby, England :with special reference to his life and work as a t [Leather Bound]
    A remarkable self-made man, by John Langdon Sibley. 1886 [Leather Bound]
    The stolen story, by Jesse Lynch Williams. 1903 [Leather Bound]
    The talisman : a tale of the crusaders / by Sir Walter Scott ; edited with an introduction by Julia M. Dewey. 1899 [Leather Bound]
    Grammatik des Altfranzösischen. Neu bearb. von Dietrich Behrens. Volume v.3 1925 [Leather Bound]
    Grammatik des altfranzösischen / von dr. Eduard Schwan; Neu bearbeitet / von dr. Dietrich Behrens. 1898 [Leather Bound]
    Grammatik des Altfranzösischen. Neu bearb. von Dietrich Behrens. Volume v.1 1925 [Leather Bound]
    The natural diet of man, by John Harvey Kellogg ... 1923 [Leather Bound]
    L'Amérique; anthologie géographique, par L. Didier ... 1898 [Leather Bound]
    Les logis royaux au palais de Fontainebleau : de François I à Charles IX Louis Dimier. 1898 [Leather Bound]
    L'Hôtel des invalides par Louis Dimier. 1909 [Leather Bound]
    Faits et idées de l'histoire des arts Louis Dimier. 1923 [Leather Bound]
    Campbellism examined. By Jeremiah B. Jeter. 1855 [Leather Bound]
    A memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck, the first American female missionary to China by J.B. Jeter. 1849 [Leather Bound]
    Lives and exploits of English highwaymen, pirates, and robbers : drawn from the most authentic sources, by Capt. Charles Johnson / revised and continued to the present time, by C. Whit [Leather Bound]
    Thought transference : a critical and historical review of the evidence for telepathy, with a record of new experiments 1902-1903 by Northcote W. Thomas. 1905 [Leather Bound]
    The inheritors : an extravagant story / by Joseph Conrad and Ford M. Hueffer. Volume c.2 1901 [Leather Bound]
    Buch der liebe / herausgegeben durch dr. Johann Gustav Büsching und dr. Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen. Erster band. 1809 [Leather Bound]
    Les arènes de Lutèce (arènes de la rue Monge); le passé -- l'exhumation -- l'état actuel. 1908 [Leather Bound]
    The new serve it buffet by Florence Brobeck. 1958 [Leather Bound]
    Eine Weltreise, 1911-1912, und der Zusammenbruch Deutschlands; Eindrücke und Betrachtungen aus den Jahren 1911-1914 mit einem Nachwort aus dem Jahre 1919. 1920 [Leather Bound]
    Der isländische Bauernhof und sein Betrieb zur Sagazeit. Nach den Quellen dargestellt von E. Dagobert Schönfeld. 1902 [Leather Bound]
    The phantom peer : an extravaganza by Edwin Pugh. 1914 [Leather Bound]
    The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance, by Frederick Albert Lange ... Authorized translation by Ernest Chester Thomas ... Volume v.2 1881 [Leather Bound]
    The tricks of the Greeks unveiled, or The art of winning at every game. Translated by M.I. Smithson. 1890 [Leather Bound]
    Greuze and Boucher / by Eliza F. Pollard. 1904 [Leather Bound]
    Aux pays conquis; notes sur l'Alsace-Lorraine / Edmond Lepelletier. 1904 [Leather Bound]
    Phantasms of the living. by Edmund Gurney, Frederic W. H. Myers and Frank Podmore. Volume v.2 1886 [Leather Bound]
    Histoire de Henri III, Roi de France et de Pologne par Ed. De La Barre Duparcq. 1882 [Leather Bound]
    From West to East. 1907 [Leather Bound]
    Power & liberty, by Count Leo Tolstoï, translated from the French by Huntington Smith. 1888 [Leather Bound]
    Morford's scenery and sensation hand-book of the Pacific railroads and California by Henry Morford. 1878 [Leather Bound]
    The search party, by George A. Birmingham [pseud.] 1914 [Leather Bound]
    National broadcasting company in cooperation with the American association of museums presents The pageant of art; a guide to art and the history of culture. 1941 [Leather Bound]
    The anatomy of Robert Burton's England. 1952 [Leather Bound]
    Early forges & furnaces in New Jersey, by Charles S. Boyer .. 1963 [Leather Bound]
    L'éducation morale dès le berceau par Bernard Pérez. 1901 [Leather Bound]
    L'enfant de trois à sept ans, par Bernard Perez. 1907 [Leather Bound]
    The prince and the pauper, by Mark Twain. With an introduction by Arthur Hobson Quinn. 1921 [Leather Bound]
    Overweights of joy / by Amy Wilson-Carmichael. 1906 [Leather Bound]
    Les saints stylites, par Hippolyte Delehaye ... 1923 [Leather Bound]
    Jude the obscure, by Thomas Hardy. Volume v.2 1905 [Leather Bound]
    Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall / by Charles Major. 1925 [Leather Bound]
    A narrative of the visit to the American churches by the deputation from the Congregational Union of England and Wales by Andrew Reed and James Matheson. 1835 [Leather Bound]
    The house of a thousand candles / by Meredith Nicholson ; with illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy. 1905 [Leather Bound]
    A dead man's diary by Coulson Kernahan, with a preface by the late G. T. Bettany. 1899 [Leather Bound]
    John William Burgon late dean of Chichester : a biography, with extracts from his letters and early journals / by Edward Meyrick Goulburn. Volume v.1 1892 [Leather Bound]
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